Opening ceremony |
10:00 |
Kata (all categories) |
10:30 |
Kumite 5-13 years |
11:30 |
Kumite Cadets/Juniors/U21/Seniors |
14:00 |
Detailed schedule by categories is availible on each draw list, bellow on Documents for downloads or under Time Table Competitors must be ready for their category no later than 30 minutes before the start of the categories.
Coaches will be able to enter the hall only with accreditation and stay in the hall on the floor / tatami (you will receive accreditations during registration). Competitors will be able to enter the hall only in a karate gi and stay on the parquet / tatami (entrance to the dressing rooms will be allowed to competitors through the lobby before entering the hall).
Coaches and competitors do not need to have a negative Covid-19 test or a digital covid certification to perform. FFP2 protective masks are mandatory for coaches during the entire stay in the sports hall, and for competitors, protective masks of any kind are mandatory only when they are not warming up or competing.
* Entrance to the stands for parents, companions and spectators will be possible only with the EU digital covid certificate (for children under 12 years of age covid certificate is NOT required) * Coaches and competitors after the completed categories can go to the stands only with the EU digital covid certificate (for children under 12 years of age covid certificate is NOT required)
- The current epidemiological measures for sports competitions of the Croatian Institut of Public Health and the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia will be implemented at the competition, so please adhere to the measures for your own protection and the protection of other participants. - If you have a temperature higher of 37.2°C (or any other possible symptom of Covid-19), please stay at home. - At the entrance to the hall, the body temperature will be measured for all participants, and they will have to disinfect their hands. - Please maintain a social distance of 2m, and wash or disinfect your hands regularly. - The hall will be disinfected several times a day (after completing groups of categories / ages).
GENERAL CONDITIONS: All the necessary information concerning each competitors is obtained from passport or official document. All competitors enter this competition at their own risk. Organiser are absolved of any claims, which may arise however so caused (injuries, deseases,...). In case of lsee than 4 competitors per category organizer can merge categories. Clubs and competitors accept this terms with registration of competitors.
RULES: KATA Adjusted rules for children - B categories (...-KB) 9-7 kyu, 9-6 kyu, 9-5 kyu (competitors perform kata at the same time)
Boys/Girls |
2015, 2014 |
Heian/Pinan/Gekisai/Taikyoku/Kihon kata 1
Boys/Girls |
2013, 2012 |
Heian/Pinan/Gekisai/Taikyoku/Kihon kata 1-2 (possibilty to repeat same kata every round) |
Boys/Girls |
2011, 2010 |
Heian/Pinan/Taikyoku/Kihon kata 1-3, Gekisai 1-2 (possibility to repeat same kata every round) |
Boys/Girls |
2009, 2008 |
Heian/Pinan/Taikyoku/Kihon kata 1-5, Gekisai 1-2 (possibility to repeat same kata every round) |
KATA official categories (A - open)
Boys/Girls |
2015, 2014 |
Heian/Pinan/Gekisai 1-2 (repetition of kata every 2nd round)
Boys/Girls |
2013 - 2007 |
WKF rules (Heian/Pinan 1-5 and master katas allowed, repetition of same kata not allowed) |
Cadets, Juniors, U21, Seniors |
WKF rules
Veterans |
WKF rules - only without bunkai in kata team |
Boys/Girls |
2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 |
WKF rules - duration 1 min.
Boys/Girls |
2010, 2009, 2008, 2007 |
WKF rules - duration 1,5 min. |
Cadets, Juniors, U21, Seniors |
WKF rules - duration 2 min.
Veterans |
WKF rules - duration 2 min. |
AWARDS: Medals, trophies for team categories, big trophy for best club. Participatory medals for all young competitors (5-10 years)
*promoter-organizing club (KK Globus) is not in competition for awards
IBAN KK Globus Čakovec: HR8424020061100032836 (ERSTE BANK)
All competitors enter this competition at their own risk |